Wynnewood Road Elementary School; Wynnewood, Pennsylvania 

Last updated: October 2, 2023  

Here is a flic of Wynnewood Road from about 1973 before all those homes went in.
Also, a nice link for all schools in Lower Merion is here.
Just try to find one of these on Ebay!
Ardmore Junior High School: Enter To Learn, Go Forth To Serve

What about all our great teachers?
A tribute to our 5th/6th Grade teacher; Mr. David S. Taylor
Our wonderful music teacher, Beverly McCausland (Miss Anderson when she first started at Wynnewood Road, and here’s another one) is the innkeeper of The Harlan Log House B&B in Chadds Ford. And here’s a very recent pic with Kevin McDermott outside of the B&B.  For even more pictures click here. AND 
Mrs McCausland's email.
And Mrs. Charlotte Ann Albertson now has her own cooking school, check it out
here !

May 5, 2013 Reunion:  Click here for some pics.

Class Pictures: please send corrections/additions for spelling of names.  Also, if you have any class pictures that you’d like to add, that’d be great. Please email me.  Note, these can be pictures of any class, any years so please send your siblings’ photos too!

Faculty - 1957 courtesy of Bill Patterson

1957-58 Grade 6 All Sections

1960-61 K Miss Haines AM names
1960-61 K Miss Haines PM     names

1961-62 Grade 1A Miss Georgia     names
1961-62 Grade 1B Miss Van Dyke names
1961-62 Grade 4A Mrs Preston  names

1962-63 Grade 2 Room2 Miss Penman    names
1962-63 Grade 2 Miss Newton  names
1962-63 Grade 5 Mrs Alberston  names

1963-64 Grade 2 Room2 Miss Penman    names
1963-64 Grade 3A Miss Courtney    names
1963-64 Grade 3B Miss Marston  names
1963-64 Grade 3C Miss Miele
1963-64 Grade 6B Mr Taylor     names 

1964-65 Grade2A Miss Asquith
1964-65 Grade 3B Miss Marston   names
1964-65 Grade 4A Miss Krebs    names
1964-65 Grade 4B Miss Morrow   names
1964-64 Grade 4C Miss Rentner

1965-66 Grade 3A Miss Courtney names
1965-66 Grade 5A Mr Yohe    names
1965-66 Grade 5B Mrs Cox   names
1965-66 Grade 5C Mrs Albertson    names
1966-67 Grade 2 Miss Hill wedding
1966-67 Grade 5B Miss Cox    names
1966-67 Grade 6A Miss McFarland    names
1966-67 Grade 6B Mr Taylor    names  Farewell, my friend, my friend.
1966-67 Graduation Program courtesy of Shelley F.
Here’s a scan (courtesy of Rick Feldman) from the Main Lines Times in June, 1967; graduation party at Camp Arrowhead.
And some of our girl scouts too,
not to mention some of the same gals at Carol’s birthday party.

1967-68 Grade 5 Mrs Costalas  names

1969-70 Grade 1 Miss Georgia     names
1969-70 Grade 5 Mrs Costalas

class of 1959 (LM-1965) at their LM/50th reunion

Alumni:   If you would like to add your name to this list of alumni, just write to me with any contact information you’d like listed and I’ll add it for you.

Battelo, Alfred                       1927-1933  alfredobattelo@yahoo.com  now in southern California

Bransome, Patrick                 1968-69,73  mailto:patrick.bransome@gmail.com

Bright (Grier-Hughes), Linda    grierhughes@comcast.net ; http://www.passingthefaithalongministries.org    1-888-600-8314 Author: The Wounded Healer

Brod, Daniel                          1960-67  dbrod@decisiontek.com

Carter Jr., Robert                  1963-66   fivekay2001@yahoo.com now in Virginia
Campbell James, Deborah         
1958-1964  14 Penny Green St. Sugar Land, TX 77479 ynkeblnd@aol.com

Collins-Dannenberg, Susan  1960-6?  215-715-9159  susandannenberg@gmail.com

Davis, Robert W.                  1951-56   RWDavis82@aol.com   Marietta, GA  30068

DeCerchio – Lee, Barbara    1964-68  323Concord Drive. Maywood, NJ 07607; bdeclee@rcn.com

DeCrescenzo, Danny           1955-62  106 Traymore Lane; Rose Valley, Pa.  19063
Enslow, Ridley                       1963-65  

Fairman-Guinessy, Shelley 1960-67 SGuinessy@aol.com or Fairman1@comcast.net

Falcone, Gloriajean               1964-67  FalconG@lmsd.org

Feldbaum, Miles                    1953-59  Miles915@aol.com 

Feldman, Rick                       1960-67  richardfeldman@comcast.net  10 Knollcrest Drive; Andover, MA 01810

Freeman Alman, Cathie       1960-67  603 Fox Valley Drive,  Longwood, FL  32779; cfalman@cfl.rr.com
Giangiulio, Dave                   1960-67 
cfroboe@flash.net   8916 Aldwick Circle;  Dallas, TX 75238.  Home phone is 214-343-2550.
Grossman Swift, Susan        1956-63  ssueayi2@msn.com 

Hatcher, Carlton B.              1964-71 706 Preston Avenue; Bryn Mawr, PA  19010  215-870-3465 carhatch@aol.com
Ilgren Russell, Barbara         1960-67 
barbcalrussell@gmail.com 6702 Chippewa Drive  Bonners Ferry, ID 83805;   (208) 267-5256

Katsapis, Arthur                    1960-67 email   503-774-8934;  3210 SE 71st Ave. Portland, Oregon 97206-1808
Ben Kauffman                      1972-77 http://www.theweeklymeat.com/the_weekly_meat/2008/03/my-old-school.html
Keaveney, John                     1960-67
856-784-6223  eaglewolfnj@aim.com

Keenan, Suzy                        1960-67 310 Sharpless Street, West Chester, PA  19382  suzy.keenan@epaumc.org

Langman, Mark S                 1962-68  610-272-0469   mslangman@yahoo.com

Lewis, Gregory           1976-77 Mr.glewis@yahoo.com; 304-240-4812 

McDermott, Kevin               1960-67  ub_ktm@mac.com  21 Kristin Dr #1129, Schaumburg,IL 60195 847.885.1244 H 847.494.1244 Cell

Mackenzie, Bob                    1960-61,63-67  14442 Summerleaf Lane; Houston, TX  77077  22bmack@comcast.net

Nagelberg, Barry                    1960-67   bnagelberg@verizon.net , Barry.Nagelberg@mavenir.com

Patterson, Charles (Chuck)  1960-67  charles@patterson123.com
Papa, Andrea                         19??-??    andreavpapa@gmail.com;   4 Meadow Trail, Chappaqua, NY 10514
Roeder Amy                          1968-72  

Rosetsky, Joan                       1961-68  yogamommy@yahoo.com

Rohlfs, Mark A                     1963-67 santasons@peak.org  24469 Highway 20, Philomath, OR  97370  (541) 929-3578 home , (541) 929-3572 office , (818) 399-5037 cell 

Rutman Cohen, Jackie        1958-65   fabbpiano@comcast.net
Sandler, Lee Barry                 1956-58 
  leebarry01@yahoo.com  Pleasant Hill, California
Shulman, Robert                 1960-66   RShulman@janney.com

Suckowicki, Marion    1962-67           610-308-6143 (cell), 610-446-0980(H)
Shallit,Jeffrey              1962-69  (519) 743-8754, shallit@graceland.uwaterloo.ca     http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~shallit

Tayloer, Patterson 1939-40   pctaylor55@verizon.net

Vernon, Richard                    1950-55   Potomac, Maryland  rgvernon@gmail.com

Walter, Randy                        1962-67   RANDALL211@aol.com

Walther, Marc                        1953-59   marc132@me.com
Wurzel, Will                           1954-57  
will@wurzelspace.net  Silver Spring, MD



Contact: Linda Grier-Hughes (Bright)




              Author: The Wounded Healer



LM Soccer

LM Class of ’73 Homepage

Some of you folks might have know my older brother, Peter Katsapis.
Here’s a pic of Pete with Wendy at their prom. 
And the last photograph I have of Pete from 17Aug1981.

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